Why holidays are important

Why holidays are important

In our digital age, we are all taking less time off and working longer hours, the University of Sussex concluding an 18% rise in out of hours working since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

So in-case you need a reminder to book that holiday … we’ve got your covered. 


We’ve all heard of endorphins, the ‘feel-good’ brand chemicals, right? 

And we are sure its no surprise to you that being on holiday releases lots of these mood-boosters. 

But did you know that the planning stage and even the run up to your trip also leads to the release of endorphins. The anticipation and the expectation of new experiences, new places and new activities generate happiness. 

…. see you knew there was a reason you spent hours looking at holiday pics on Instagram

Mental Health

Mental health is as important as physical health, and travel is a great way to maintain and improve your mental health by extension improving your happiness and making you feel fulfilled.

There are several parts of being on holiday that can benefit your mental health: 

Sleep – for many of us, when on holiday we use the opportunity to catch up on sleep. Getting a good nights sleep helps our brain maintain cognitive skills, improving our ability to perceive the world accurately. 

Exploring and trying something new – widening your horizons and trying new things have positive effects to our mental health, distracting our minds and releasing endorphins 

Spending time outside – its thought in the UK on average we spend less than six hours a week, when on holiday this time can increase four-fold. The more time we spend outside the greater benefits it has on our mental health. Camping or Glamping are the best ways to get back to nature, and spend some time outdoors. We have a whole article helping you decide which is the best option for you … read it here.

Physical health

Now, we all know the benefits of getting our steps in, or eating our five a day … but we seem to ignore the health benefits of taking time away for ourselves. 

Pro-longed period of stress can contribute to heart disease and high blood pressure, studies have shown that adults who fail to take a holiday annually are 32% more likely to die of a heart attack. 

We know that sounds scary, but seriously, we all live far too stressful a life and without taking time away from the everyday we’re shaving years off our lives. 

So still want to spend another year deferring your annual leave?

Of course not – I hear you say! 

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring and plan your next trip. 

Author: ExploreEatStay